RainguardPro Newsroom

Rainguard Brands Acquires Precision Coatings Inc.
Rainguard Brands is happy to announce Precision Coatings Inc. joining our family of brands.

Technical Bulletin #1: Water Repellent Sealers vs Waterproof Coatings
Water repellent or waterproofer, which is best to help prevent efflorescence?

Efflorescence vs. Calcium Deposits
Learn the difference between different mineral deposits and how to remove and prevent them from appearing again.

Choosing An Anti-Graffiti Coating
Learn how to choose the right anti-graffiti coating type, finish, and length of protection for your project.

Understanding Graffiti: Art or Vandalism?
It is a common misunderstanding that most graffiti is gang-related when in fact, gangs account for less than 10% of all graffiti.

Understanding Efflorescence
Learn what efflorescence is and how to safely remove and prevent it from forming again.

Testimonial from a Real Contractor
Learn what RainguardPro products Art Green, owner of Specialized Cleaning Contractors in Buena Park, California uses for almost all of his projects.

Summer Heat Protection
RainguardPro’s thermal heat protection paint will help you fight against the sweltering summer heat.

VandlGuard® & IsoFree® Technology
Learn about VandlGuard® as a non-sacrificial graffiti coating. And, learn about the importance of IsoFree® technology, how it keeps people, animals, and the environment safe.